Burglars snared after their prints found on Disney merchandise

Preston Crown CourtPreston Crown Court
Preston Crown Court
Two burglars who targeted a young family's home have been given custodial sentences.

Sean McDonagh, 20, of Powell Avenue, Marton, and James Yeomans, 19, of Frederick Street, Marton, targeted a house on Millington Avenue in the resort on September 20 last year.

McDonough, who has 16 convictions for 64 offences received 34 months detention while Yeomans, who has 29 convictions for 41 offences, received 19 months.

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Prosecuting, Craig McGregor told the court the victim had found a bag of the burglars’ shopping abandoned in the kitchen which contained biscuits, candles, cereals and her mug.

Police were alerted to three men at the house and Yeomans was found crouching behind a nearby shed.

His fingerprints were later found on a Hello Panda tin, while McDonagh’s were found on a Disney Frozen money tin.

In a victim impact statement read in court the victim, a mum, said: “I feel frightened so much that I won’t go back to the house.

“I have to sleep on couch at my mothers so I feel safe.

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“I am not at my own home, I do not have my friends around to visit anymore so I feel isolated.”

She also said she took different routes to work as she knew the offenders lived nearby and was scared of what might happen to her young family.

In a separate matter, McDonagh admitted burgling and trashing his own sister’s flat on Caunce Street on December 27 after getting drunk and “flipping out” in her home, following a house party at her neighbours.

Judge Jacqueline Beech, sitting at Preston Crown Court, called his conduct “dreadful” after hearing he had broken his young nephew’s go kart, which had been a Christmas present.

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Mr McGregor said: “She describes the front room being upside down, a table upside down, flowers and a vase on floor.

“Her son’s TV was cracked, her TV wasn’t working properly, and her son’s plastic go kart was broken.

“In her bedroom her wardrobe door was broken, her window was smashed and the actual door to the flat was smashed.”

The court heard McDonough’s parents had uprooted their eight children from Scotland to enable him to make a new start.

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