These are the latest cases and convictions from Blackpool Magistrates' Courts - Friday, August 2, 2019

Blackpool Magistrates' CourtsBlackpool Magistrates' Courts
Blackpool Magistrates' Courts
Here is the latest round-up from Blackpool Magistrates' Courts.

Brett Moorhouse, 41, assault and criminal damage

A man wielding a metal bar threatened to kill his neighbour and caused cuts to his arms when he smashed a window.

Brett Moorhouse, a 41-year-old shop worker, of Sowerby Avenue, South Shore, pleaded guilty to assault and causing damage.

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Blackpool Magistrates' CourtsBlackpool Magistrates' Courts
Blackpool Magistrates' Courts

He was sentenced to a 12 month community order with up to 15 days rehabilitation to be supervised by the probation service, ordered to do 40 hours unpaid work for the community and told to pay £100 compensation with £90 victims’ surcharge.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said a man said he was on the trampoline in his garden with his children on July 1, at about 5.30pm, when he saw his neighbour Moorhouse peering at him over a fence.

He tried to ignore him but Moorhouse shouted: “Don’t even look at me” and “I’m going to kill you.”

The neighbour got his children inside and went in himself. Moorhouse then smashed a window with a metal bar causing six small cuts on his neighbour’s arm.

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Trevor Feehily, defending, told magistrates that his client, who had no previous convictions, said the incident was the culmination of disputes with that neighbour about which Moorhouse had made complaints to the police.

Two days before the offences, Moorhouse’s father, who had been diagnosed with cancer, had died.

Moorhouse said that day his frustrations had boiled over and he had lost it.

He had had no intention of injuring the neighbour but he had been reckless.

David Sant, 44, breach of non-molestation order

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A part-time karaoke entertainer has admitted breaching the terms of a non molestation order which forbids him from contacting the teenage mother of his child.

David Sant, of Victory Road, Blackpool, was given a curfew order and must pay £175 costs.

Magistrates heard how the 18 year-old-mum had taken out the order after the birth of their baby.

Sant had attended the birth at hospital by pretending to be her brother.

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Later she turned up at his home after a row with her mother.

She was wet and hungry so Sant gave her a meal and then when he went to work in a bar she followed him there.

Police were alerted to the breach and arrested him.

Steven Duffy defending said: “I believe it was the girl’s mother or another member of her family who contacted police.”

“She had turned up at his home with nowhere to go. This has become a messy situation.”

Peter Lloyd, 32, breaching the peace

A drunken man was abusive to police called to his home.

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Peter Lloyd, 32, of Alexandra Road, South Shore, admitted breaching the peace after he began to bang on a window.

Lloyd was bound over for six months in the sum of £50.

Jordan Mountford, 23, criminal damage

A man has denied criminal damage at his uncle’s flat.Magistrates fixed a trial date for 23-year-old Jordan Mountford of Powell Avenue, Hawes Side, on October 16.

He is charged with damaging a TV set,door and picture frame valued at £60.

Jack Harris, 28, theft

A Blackpool man ordered ordered a takeaway meal but when it arrived he refused to pay the restaurant’s driver.

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Jack Harris, 28, of Grovesnor Street should have paid up £19.90 for the Indian food but he slammed his front door on the delivery man.

He admitted theft of the food and was sentenced to 20 rehabilitation days and will have to pay compensation of £19-90 and a £10 fine.

Harris said: “I have nothing to say other than to apologise.”

Patricia Hill, 59, theft

A rest home carer has made her first appearance at court charged with the theft of almost £19,000 from an elderly resident.

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Patricia Hill, 59, of Station Road, South Shore, looked after the 69-year-old man at the Sandicroft Nursing Home on Lytham Road, South Shore.

Magistrates heard that the alleged theft from the wheelchair bound stroke victim took place between March and July 2017.

Hill did not enter a plea to the charge of stealing £18,713 by using the man’s debit card to remove money from his bank account.

Hill was sent for trial at Preston Crown Court where she will appear on September 4.

She was granted unconditional bail.