Letters - April 12, 2016

Inside  the new RSPCA Longview animal centre, Old Toms Lane, Stalmine.Inside  the new RSPCA Longview animal centre, Old Toms Lane, Stalmine.
Inside the new RSPCA Longview animal centre, Old Toms Lane, Stalmine.
ANIMALSClosures put more pressure on RSPCAI read the letters highlighting the good work and achievements of Mandy Leigh and Josephine Harwood (Your Say, Gazette, April 5).

Unfortunately, animal neglect statistics in the North West continue to be among the highest in England, and the rescue centres have great difficulty in being able to help every animal that becomes a stray, unwanted, cruelly treated or abandoned. All of these animal charities are totally reliant on donations and don’t receive any funds from the government or TV show campaigns, unlike many community charities.

The local branch of the RSPCA is located in Stalmine, and is a independently registered charity. Our main aim is to re-home the animals we receive from the inspectors employed by the national RSPCA, then find them new forever homes.

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The new centre, which replaces one that didn’t meet the RSPCA licence regulations, has taken more than 10 years of careful planning by trustees, and fund-raising through grants, legacies, and donations from people in the area.

With the sad loss of a centre like Easterleigh, this will put extra pressure on those animal centres in the area and the national RSPCA inspectors. We would like to take this opportunity in thanking all those supporters of animal welfare, be it as a volunteer at one of the centres or charity shops, giving items for the animals or for the shops to sell, or donating financially.

It’s all very much appreciated and allows us all to continue supporting these animals in need locally.

Martyn Tetchener

Branch Manager



We still have to fight for animal rights

It is incredible that people still have to fight for human rights in 2016, and that there are starving people in the world. Since biblical times there has been war somewhere in the world, and maybe some people think that animals are less important than us.

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But I am so glad people do often see the light, to not wear fur or leather, and become vegetarian. In Lancashire there is a huge percentage of pet owners, and I am glad to report that so many people love their pets.

Also people should support our local animal charities, to carry on their good work. The RSPCA rescue thousands of animals every year, but unfortunately some are too ill to be re-homed, regular donations are needed constantly.

Jeffrey Bilham

Broadhurst Road



The experts should make big decisions

This week I, along with two colleagues, attended a planning committee meeting at the Town Hall, lodging objections to a number of issues regarding the massive re-development of Anchorsholme Park.

The lack of time afforded the objection, five minutes in total, and the minimal length of time taken by the committee in debating our objections, to me showed a lack of understanding and respect to the residents of Anchorsholme.

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In my view the meeting was a charade – I believe the result was already predetermined.

With respect to the councillors on the committee, whatever profession they work in, what qualifications and expertise have they got to make such massive decisions which affect other peoples’ lives?

I appreciate they have been voted in by the electorate and work hard towards making the town a better place to live, but surely in this day and age the country should have a professional body of people who have the expertise to make the important decisions.

Again, I appreciate Town Halls, Planning Officers, Councillors up and down the country will be placed under great pressure from local and central government departments to approve policies and plans they, the Government, wish to push through. I find it bizarre that professional people, experts in their field, ones with no political bias, are not employed to make these big decisions.

I used to believe we lived in a democracy, not anymore!!

H Flynn

Address supplied


We’ll be more secure outside the EU

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As a former serviceman, I am surprised by the claims of the pro-EU camp that being part of the EU makes us safer as a country from third party aggression and from terrorism.

There is an organisation based in Brussels that has kept us safe and it is not pen-pushing, free-spending, long-lunching bureaucrats, but the fighting men and women of NATO – that multi-national organisation that has the USA, Canada and UK as its biggest guarantors of peace.

These three nations, along with Australia and New Zealand, make up a relationship of the most trusted nations in intelligence sharing. You will note that only the UK is the only EU country in that alliance – I think that speaks volumes.

The former director of MI6 has also stated that being part of the EU does not enhance our security. I think I know who I would chose to trust.

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By leaving we still remain part of NATO, we will still share intelligence with our allies, we would still co-operate with EU nations in the fight against terrorism, we would still have an armed force with the required two per cent GDP budget, we would still have MI5, MI6, GCHQ, the police, we would still have a continuous at-sea nuclear deterrent.

The real question is what do we lose in terms of security by leaving, and I think the answer would be unprotected borders with the risk of free movement for terrorists.

Coun Danny Scott

Warbreck Ward


A money-saving tip for beautiful roses

We all know eating a banana a day is good for you, but I wonder how many readers are aware of the fact that banana skins are good for your roses?

Bananas contain potassium and what does rose feed contain – potassium. So every time you eat a banana, place the skin inside down round the base of your rose trees and watch your roses bloom.

Josephine Harwood

Moor Park Avenue
