Police warning over anti-social behaviour in Cleveleys and Bispham: "We take no joy in calling up parents to collect their children from the cells"

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Police stock image
Police have urged parents to keep a close eye on their children this half term after receiving reports of anti-social behaviour in Cleveleys and Bispham.

A Thornton, Cleveleys and Poulton Police spokesman said: "Do you know where your Children are this half term? Always check on what your kids are up to when they are out and about in the school holidays. We have had reports over the last few days of groups of youths causing ASB (anti-social behaviour) throughout Cleveleys and Bispham.

"We take no joy in spoiling parents evenings by bringing home little Johnny/Jane to have a chat with you about their behaviour or calling up parents to collect their children from the cells."