Search for memories at Blackpool's old solarium

The Solaris CentreThe Solaris Centre
The Solaris Centre
A volunteer group is asking for people's memories and pictures of the old Blackpool solarium in South Shore.

The Friends of the Solarium Centre wanted to find pictures and peoples memories of the former solarium which is now The Solaris Centre.

A spokesman for the group said: “We are hoping that if we can collate enough memories and pictures relating to the use of the building and grounds prior to it’s demise and regeneration as The Solaris Centre.

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"We would like people to let us know their memories of using the building/grounds and any photographs they may have"

"As volunteers working in the grounds during the summer months people have spoken to us about their memories as children coming to the putting green and sitting in the building surrounded by plants, we also understand that service personnel used the building while based in Blackpool either serving or recuperating from injury during World War 2."

The group hopes to create an exhibition at the centre with what they uncover and any pictures will be returned to their owners.

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