Union delighted to be in resort

USDAWs John HannettUSDAWs John Hannett
USDAWs John Hannett
More than a thousand union delegates are in Blackpool for a four day union conference giving the resort an economic boost.

Members of the shop workers’ union USDAW are meeting at the Winter Gardens until Wednesday to thrash out their policy.

More than 1,300 delegates, visitors and officials from across the UK were debating and vote on propositions from lay-member branches and statements from Usdaw’s Executive Council on issues such as workers’ rights, pay and conditions, pensions, health and safety and the national living wage.

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John Hannett, Usdaw General Secretary, said he was delighted to be back in Blackpool which he described as a wonderful conference town where they always get a warm welcome.

He said: “Our Annual Delegate Meeting is effectively the union’s parliament and provides lay-members with the opportunity to raise their issues of concern and make our policy.

“We have a packed agenda.

“Incomes have been under attack with cuts in tax credits and Universal Credit is a ticking time bomb for many working families.

“Our members are severely impacted by cuts in services they rely on and mounting pressure on the NHS impacts on everyone.

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“With a general election looming delegates are rightly worried about the Conservatives being elected back into government and the consequences that will have on rights at work.

“A particular concern being that a Tory government would seek to water down rights currently protected by the European Union as Britain’s exit is negotiated.

“We look forward to a lively and informed debate on the core issues affecting the lives of working people and their families.”

The Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers) is the UK’s fourth biggest trade union with 430,000 members.